Friday, March 20, 2009

Pat and his Little Buddy

Pat always had a dog for as long as I can remember.
This Little Buddy is Ramsey...isn't this a great photo of a man and his best friend?    Any dog was truly lucky to have Pat in his life.   Despite dogs liking to walk, even Pat was sometimes too fast for them.  :)       (He was definitely too fast of a walker for most of us humans!)   Unless it was a stroll.  

This was a beach near Digby, Nova Scotia.


  1. I never once saw Pat stroll!

  2. He did walk fast. Most of us couldn't keep up. He often told me, Ginger, that he wished I could walk with him, he saw so many great things on his walk. But the times I tried to keep up, I usually ended up incapable of walking for a while after. I told him once when we were walking in the woods tha I would walk fifteen minutes in and fifteen minutes out. He tried to be slow enough but soon was going at a pace I could not keep up with. Ginger He did that to a couple of our dogs too.
