Check this out Pat -
Time for us all to pull our kazoos out and play a tune today.
National Kazoo Day
January 28, 2012
National Kazoo Week - January 23-29, 2012
The State of the Kazoo 2012
Rick Hubbard
National Kazoo Day 2012 may be celebrated on Thursday, Jan. 26th which is the fourth Thursday of January or it may be celebrated on January 28, or any other day during that period deemed convenient by kazooists. In fact, many kazoo players celebrate the kazoo for the entire last week of January each year.
May you all enjoy a HAPPY NEW KAZOO YEAR!
This year we commemorate the 162nd birthday of the Kazoo --
an American instrument invented in the 1840s in Macon, GA. Legend tell us the kazoo was invented by collaboration of Alabama Vest (American black) and Thaddeus Von Clegg (German-American clockmaker).